Oriental College Magazine, Punjab University - Lahore


Principal Oriental College, University of the Punjab, Lahore
ISSN (print): 1991-7007
ISSN (online): 2789-4657

Some people suffer from disability since their birth and other in result of some untold incidents and accidents. Thus they lag behind from the rest socially and financially. This hindrance does not allow them to perform their duties and in sometimes to live by their own means. They become dependents of others to meet their needs. This dependence develops in them a sense of meekness, degeneration and finally of deprivation. They are considered to be rather poor and lower creatures and this treatment compel them to think themselves low and inferior. But this is not the case in Islam. Islamic teachings do not deem a person with disability of any kind to be unfit or burden rather such persons enjoy special status as rules are relaxed in many cases regarding obligations both rituals and societal. The article deals with the rights of disables in light of the Islamic teachings based on Qura’n and Sunnah.


Faculty of Islamic Studies, Salah al-Din University, Iraq



Type: Article
Volume: 89
Issue: 1
Language: Arabic
Id: 635651a9c0eac
Pages 5 - 44
Published March 31, 2014


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