Oriental College Magazine, Punjab University - Lahore


Principal Oriental College, University of the Punjab, Lahore
ISSN (print): 1991-7007
ISSN (online): 2789-4657

The Nīlam Valley of Azad Kashmir is very rich in all respects be it natural beauty, scenery, flora and fauna, culture and civilization. Its inhabitants have been proving their muscles in all fields of life especially in literary activities. The tradition of Urdū poetry in the valley is old and strong. A number of poets belonging to this valley are hugely contributing to Urdū literature with their creative self. The article focuses on the condition of Urdū poetry in the valley by incorporating specimens of verses of indigenous poets of Urdū.


Mir Yousaf Mir

Assistant Professor of Urdu

University of Azad Jammu and Kashmir


  • muhammad.yousaf@ajku.edu.pk

Khawja Zahid Aziz

Chairman Department of Kashmiryaat

Punjab University Oriental College, Lahore


  • chairman.dks@pu.edu.pk


Type: Article
Volume: 97
Issue: 2
Language: Urdu
Id: 62bc02064c663
Pages 139 - 150
Published June 28, 2022


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