Oriental College Magazine, Punjab University - Lahore


Principal Oriental College, University of the Punjab, Lahore
ISSN (print): 1991-7007
ISSN (online): 2789-4657

Allama Iqbal was a genius personality of the twentieth century. He had a deep attachment with Kahsmir because his ancestors hailed from Kashmir. The foundation of freedom struggle of Kashmir laid on 16th March 1846 when the East India Company sold the homeland of the Kashmiris to Hindu dogra Gulab Singh. In 1896, the Kashmiris got educational and political awareness after the establishment of society of Kashmiri Muslims of Lahore under the guidance of Allama Iqbal. Allama Iqbal played an important role for the betterment of Kashmiri's political and economic conditions.


Khawja Zahid Aziz

Chairman Department of Kashmiryaat

Punjab University Oriental College, Lahore


  • chairman.dks@pu.edu.pk


Type: Article
Volume: 91
Issue: 4
Language: Urdu
Id: 62b40ecbb6079
Pages 69 - 76
Published December 31, 2016


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