Oriental College Magazine, Punjab University - Lahore


Principal Oriental College, University of the Punjab, Lahore
ISSN (print): 1991-7007
ISSN (online): 2789-4657

Khawaja Muhammad Hashim Kishmi (RA) was a disciple of Hazrat Mujaddid Alf Sani (R.A.). Khawaja Kishmi belonged to a renowned family of scholars of state of Badakhshan. He was an excellent poet of Persian. He wrote biography of his spiritual mentor besides compiling the third volume of the famous Maktoobat Imam Rabbani. He was inclined to Naqshbandi Order of Sufism since his childhood. His curiosity to find a spiritual mentor led him to the Sub-continent. He met with Mir Muhammad Nauman, a disciple of Hazrat Mujaddid. He started correspondence with Hazrat Mujaddid who later called him to join his company and led him to the zenith of spiritual excellence. Zubdatul Muqamaat and Nasmatul Quds are his invaluable compilations which cover life and time of personalities of Naqshbandi Order. The article elaborates the personality and works of Khawaja Muhammad Hashim Kishmi in detail.


Muhammad Naveed Azhar

Assistant Professor of Urdu

Govt. Islamia Graduate College Railway Road, Lahore


  • naveedazhar92@gmail.com


Type: Article
Volume: 97
Issue: 4
Language: Urdu
Id: 63a92b76a4a05
Pages 17 - 40
Published December 23, 2022


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